Infinite Space

Revolutionary Workspace Solution
Maximize creativity and productivity with our patented, rotating, three-in-one workspace design.

Infinite Space maximizes efficiency and innovation with a meticulously planned, sleek, and modern design, eliminating wasted space to encourage productivity and original thinking.

Invo Moon

Choose Desk, Walls, and Shelves colors. Rotate for different views. Use AR to see in your space

Invo Moon

Invo Moon: Inspired by the moon, designed for harmony and practicality. Enhance creativity and productivity. Find serenity and balance in your daily routine.

Invo Mars

Our three workspaces offer flexibility for various tasks: focused work, collaboration, and presentations. They enhance efficiency and creativity. We provide efficient storage solutions with three separate areas. Our unique rotating mechanism allows seamless transitions between spaces.

Infinite Space Story

Infinite Space started during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when I began working from home. I had trouble organizing my electronics and devices as an engineer, so I wanted to improve my work area. I realized I needed a clutter-free home office setup that could hold all my gadgets. It was one Saturday in my office when I thought about having different work spaces to handle my various tasks and a clean area for relaxation and creativity. I remembered a documentary about bees and how they efficiently design their work area to store honey and use resources carefully. Inspired by this, I made and tested prototypes to make the most of space. After creating a functional design, I decided to patent it. Now, I use Infinite Space and want to improve it for many users and help create a better work environment for everyone.

— Leo Kayali - CEO

Our innovative workspace maximizes productivity with three dedicated areas and efficient storage. Revolutionize your work environment with Infinite Space!

Invo Moon